LLM bot "Clinic Receptionist"
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The case study about how we improved the quality of service for patients at a medical clinic to help receptionists to deal with the incoming requests for appointments.

Our customer is a clinic where there was a demand to significantly improve the customer service in regard to promptly and accurately gathering information from clinic patients and forwarding it to the administrator for appointment scheduling.

Originally the request flow for appointments was processed with the help of human resources. The clinic was facing the problem of covering all the requests timely thus drastically increasing the waiting list.

Our customer decided to introduce an innovative solution to sufficiently optimize the clinic service. The project goal was to create and implement an LLM-driven chat bot to act as a clinic receptionist.
The requirements were to design an AI assistant which processed incoming requests for medical appointments: collecting necessary data and answering questions in regard to the future meetings.


The customer provided us with the parameters, which needed to be collected from potential patients, FAQ, as well as the templates of conversations of receptionists with the patients.

Our team created an AI assistant - an LLM bot, connected to the internal clinic system, capable of sufficiently gathering information from clinic patients and forwarding it to the administrator for appointment scheduling. We launched a functional bot capable of covering the patient appointment scheduling flow, thus reducing administrative workload on the clinic receptionists.


Chat GPT
Amazon Web Services

The final result

Our LLM chat bot:

  • Collects the basic information necessary to make an appointment with a doctor (name, age, method of communication, doctor preferences, insurance, a suitable time for an appointment, etc and answers the patients’ questions if necessary.
  • Reduces the waiting time from half an hour wait to the instant response for potential patients for appointment scheduling and makes it more convenient - in the text format.
  • Enhances the quality of patient experience by providing a convenient appointment scheduling tool,which can support the user's language and increase the speed of response.
  • Collects and analyzes data: user interactions with the bot to refine the flow and identify potential enhancements

Benefits for the clinic:

  • Increased quality of customer service
  • Increase bandwidth for reception
  • Decrease waiting time for the client's appointment arrangement
  • Additional services recommendations

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