How we transformed our client's gambling platform and expanded their online audience
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Our client had both an offline sales network and an online gambling catalog, but by the time they approached us the proportion of online players was small. Client’s strategic goal was to expand their online audience,but the online catalog was a legacy project that was no longer supported by the vendor. Technical experts and documentation on the client side were absent, and there were no developers who could explain how the web application worked.

Our company took on the challenge and tackled the difficult task that most contractors refused to solve. We had to dissect a complex product written using outdated technologies and improve the web application to function correctly and to attract more users.


Our initial task was to help the client understand the product's workings and backend, as well as provide technical support. Architecturally, the solution consists of a multitude of different web services and an orchestrator that controls all processes and is responsible for communication between them and correct data transmission. We analyzed the existing solution and formed a technical backlog necessary for updating the product.

After understanding the logic of the product, we began developing the product because the timing was limited, and it was nearing shutdown. During the project, we suggested updating the Python version from 2.7 to 3.7 and the PostgreSQL database version from 9.5 to 11.

The product had a fairly complex user interface (UI), which we almost completely redesigned in accordance with the client's requirements, as well as fixed most of the bugs in the old solution. In addition, we added a CMS system for content management. Some adjustments were also made to a separate management system — the admin panel.

The web application became a catalog of electronic interactive games and included their characteristics, as well as a personal account where the user could manage their data. To make purchases, we integrated the app with various payment systems and provided users with the ability to top up their gaming account through an automated information system for a single settlement and information space, as well as via SMS and cash terminals. The ability to withdraw funds was also implemented.

The new solution turned out customizable and scalable, allowing the client to sell it in other countries (white label), where other clients/operators then could independently configure the module, adapt the external part to their market, and manage mailings. This distribution opened up opportunities for our client to work with the B2B segment and get additional revenue.

Originally, the old solution was hosted on physical servers, while the new one was developed to be cloud-based (Kubernetes). Here, the migration of data became a non-trivial task. Modern data hashing algorithms were used to protect the gaming system.

Additionally, we not only understood the product's workings and updated its infrastructure but also developed two mobile applications — for IOS and Android platforms. They were written using the Wrapper technology.

Throughout the project, the client actively participated in the product's development, starting from sprint planning and ending with the acceptance of work results. We involved them in all stages of product development and conducted knowledge transfer to L1/L2 support specialists on the client/operator side.


Fast API

The final result

We successfully solved the client's problem by completing the following steps:

  • Conducted an analysis of the existing system and identified issues.
  • Implemented code refactoring to eliminate errors and improve the performance of the web application.
  • Developed new features and significantly improved the user interface, making the application more user-friendly and functional.
  • Conducted testing of the application on different platforms and devices to ensure its proper functioning.

As a result, our client received numerous benefits:

  • A new convenient application with a large number of different functions and CTA buttons.
  • Increased number of online users thanks to improved application functionality.
  • Reduced server maintenance costs after discontinuation of operations  with server providers.
  • Increased application performance after migrating to the cloud.
  • Technical support for the product by the client/operator's L1/L2 level specialists.
  • Training videos/test materials for the technical support team on the client/operator side.

Project implementation period: over 2 years.

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